Great communication is a contact centre agent’s most useful tool and the best agents have the knack of quickly establishing a good relationship with their customer. If you struggle to build a quick rapport, the outcome of any conversation is not likely to be the one you are hoping for. Building rapport over the telephone.

We have all been in a situation where we just ‘click’ with the other person and get on really well with them. Under these circumstances, the conversation always just seems to flow and leads to better results than if things seem strained or we haven’t ‘gelled’ with the person we are talking to.

A prime example of how important it is to build a quick rapport with someone is in a contact centre environment. Agents usually only have a very limited amount of time for each call, so it’s important that this time is used as effectively as possible to extract the information you need to give the best possible customer service. If you can converse easily with the other party, then you are not only increasing your customer service, but you are also more likely to achieve the results you are looking for from the call.

Here are a few tips to help you build that customer connection quickly.


It may sound silly, but if you smile when you answer the phone, your voice will be more welcoming, making the customer relax and feel that you are a friendly person.

Be human, not a robot

Breaking the ice with your customer starts the conversation off in a friendly way and lets them know that you are a human being and not a robot! Try a simple ‘how are you today?’ or ‘hope the weather is better where you are than in Birmingham.’

Be a good listener

Ensure you are not distracted and concentrate on your caller and what they are saying.

Is anybody there?

Don’t let the caller think you aren’t listening. Ensure you respond with affirmative sounds as they speak – ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’. Remember not to interrupt, let them finish what they are saying.

Building rapport over the telephone doesn’t mean you have to become best friends with the caller. It means speaking in a way which makes the customer feel comfortable so you can converse freely and in a comfortable manner. That way, your call is more likely to be successful. Contact us today to speak to one of our friendly agents to see how our specialist answerphone services can help improve your business.