We are very sad to announce that one of our much loved and exceptional members of staff is leaving. Katie Underhill joined the Frontline team in 2009, at the tender age of eighteen. With typical drive and determination Katie managed to juggle both her work and her study, completing her Law degree at Southampton University whilst still working at Frontline.


Heart felt thanks from David and Trish

Katie also represents Frontline in a rather unique and special way. She recorded all our audio messages and customer recordings. Her lovely, reassuring voice has become the ‘Voice of Frontline’. She will be missed by everyone and we hope she will miss us too. At her leaving presentation Katie told Tricia and David,

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frontline for the incredible amount support you have provided during my time of employment – I will look back at my 5 years here with very fond memories. As an aside, I credit the experience I’ve gained with you as one of the major factors as to why I have been given the opportunity to join a renowned firm of solicitors. Frontline has allowed me to work with, and learn from individuals with keen business sense and commercial awareness which was invaluable at my firm’s interview and selection stages”.

“Once again, thank you for everything. I wish Frontline every success and look forward to hearing all about how you expand and grow in the future”.

Katie, you have been a great ambassador for frontline, we are very proud of you and we wish you all the luck in the world.