At some point in our professional or personal lives, it is likely that many of us will be required to get in touch with a call centre, be it for personal or professional reasons. The differences between a positive and a negative call centre experience can change entire perceptions about a company, and leave a customer with a very distinct feeling about the people and company they’ve just communicated with. Here are three simple ways to improve the call contact centre experience for customers simply by making some attitudinal changes, creating memorable experiences for all the right reasons.

Be patient

Everyone learns at different paces, and what you understand to be a seemingly simple task may be a monumental achievement for someone else. Just because somebody doesn’t understand something immediately, does not mean they cannot learn. Be clear and concise in your instructions when delivering information over the phone. Also, most crucially, if a customer does not understand something, do not simply repeat information again in the same way, it will not help. Instead, break directions and information down into steps, speak slowly, clearly and concisely and use easy to follow signposting to help customers follow instructions.

Be engaging

Nobody likes talking to somebody on the phone if they are not interesting. Engaging your customers is a necessity, through an upbeat, conversational tone of voice and through the rapport that you build. Perhaps build an appropriate relationship with a customer, engage with their day, get to know your customer with a few open questions to encourage conversation. Put the customer at the heart of everything you do. Though you may have a script to read, use spontaneity by making the customer feel like your only priority, making them feel valued.

Be concise

Directions and information are difficult to explain on a phone, so being to the point, concise in what you are saying and methodical, you can allow customers to understand what you are saying, making them feel included and in control.

Simple tweaks to your phone etiquette and attitude can help boost customer satisfaction, work morale and personal wellbeing.