If you are running a business that relies heavily on its interaction with customers you may be looking at ways in which you can increase your bandwidth and provide your customers with a different way to interact with your company. Building brand recognition and improving brand reputation is difficult, but by providing live chat, and integrating AI chatbots into your approach, you could cover a few more customer bases.

Provide Multiple Channels – Adding a different layer of communication options is a clever move in the fast-paced world of today. Depending on your industry and your target customer, consumers may wish to get in touch with you immediately and not via traditional means. Provide them with options.

Cover Nights and Weekends  – By introducing live chat boxes on your website you can ensure that you never miss a query again, and that there is a dedicated team looking after any potential sales or complaints, even when the main office is closed overnight or at the weekend.

Integrate AI Where it Can be Effective – Don’t be scared to implement AI in some cases where you feel it can be effective. For instance, a chatbot can be used to take initial queries or orders, before passing them on to the relevant (human) departments.

The team here at Frontline can provide a dedicated external team to manage your live chat applications and ensure that you never miss out on a potential opportunity. To find out more please contact us today on 01489 866 630 or info@wearefrontline.co.uk.